REPERTOIRE --- Agorsino Di Scipio - Os, oris (schizzi dell'aria che manca)
In this work, the focus is on the very physicality of the mouth, both as a subject of action (nominative: Os) and a as an object of action (genitive: Oris). On the one hand, this is a conventionally notated work, but on the other, the sounds emerging from the performance can hardly be reduced in any form of written notation, they remain in the context of a kind of oral tradition. The task is less to add another piece of music to the repertoire, and more to pay attention to some small whispers, whisltes, air blows, movements in lips and tonge, etc.: everything that is strictly necessary to keep breathing, in a historical/cultural situation, like the one today, where fresh air is mostly missing.
On a different level, here two technologies are confronted: this is not a trombone "solo" to which some hi-tech sound effects have been added, it is rather a real "duo", where two main components (and all respective sub–components) become integral, indivisible parts of a system: one affects the other and is affected by the other, and the whole takes its shape as the development in time of such co-dependence. The audible consequences are specific "sound identities" (noise, timbre, texture).
(Agostino Di Scipio)